ONKOCET Ltd. has exhibited the devices from its portfolio on the MEDTEC UK exhibition in Birmingham, April 2011 through our partner Medical & Partners.
The list of indications for cryotherapy is almost endless and is limited only by the specialization of medical institution, which use the complex. It is connected with the fact, that despite the variety of known diseases, almost all of them are connected with the immune system or metabolism disturbances. And the cryotherapy has a great positive remedial and normalization influence on immune system and metabolism of the patients.
Principal indications for basic aerocryotherapy complex:
Reduce of general resistance all organisms;
Prevention for acute respiratory disease;
Prevention for cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary diseases;
Prevention for peripheral vessels disease;
Polyarticular rheumatoid arthritis with prior join affection in active (3 extent ) and not active phase;
Ankylosing [rheumatoid] spondylitis;
Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis).
Thus, this cryotherapy treatment suits for the treatment of almost all known diseases. Exceptionally wide range of positive cryotherapy effects is confirmed by many recent published announcements on this topic. For example, Chernyshev in his manual points out the following promising fields of applied medicine: pulmonology, gynaecology, combustiology (burns treatment), general surgery (proctology and traumatology), gastroenterology, neuropathology and vertebrology, cosmetology and sports medicine.
Principal contraindications for basic aerocryotherapy complex:
General grave condition of patient;
Decompensation chronically cardiovascular disease;
Acute myocardial infarction and subsequent discharge ;
Cerebral impulse;
Essential hypertension at 2 extant;
Cardiac decompensation at 2 extant;
Prognostic negative disturbances of cardiac rate and conductivity;
Active pulmonary tuberculosis;
Cancerous growth;
Hysteric neuroses;
Individual intolerance of coldness;
Hemorrhagic diathesis.