ONKOCET Ltd. has exhibited the devices from its portfolio on the MEDTEC UK exhibition in Birmingham, April 2011 through our partner Medical & Partners.
A. Karpov (1), I. Tsofin (2)
(1): Clinical Hospital nr. 9, Yaroslavl, Russia
(2): SIM-technica, Russia
Abstract- Physical and chemical properties of lungs are defined by the ratio of the pulmonary tissue volume, consisting of epithelial cells and alveolocyte, collagen and connective fibres, connective-tissue septum, blood and the volume of air contained in lungs. The diseases, which alter either ventilation or the blood-flow in lungs, should cause changes in their physical and chemical properties. The purpose of the current work was to determine the possibility of utilizing the electroimpedance tomography in the functional-diagnostic testing. Eight healthy volunteers, 10 patients with the diagnosis of lung cancer have been subjected to examination. Lungs electrical conductivity and pulmonary volumes were tested in the real time mode, utilized the 16-electrode single-frequency EIT system, developed in the Research Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The following data were evaluated: electrical conductivity index of lungs within the respiratory cycle, indexes of electrical conductivity, corresponding to standard pulmonary volumes (lungs vital capacity, respiratory volume, inspiratory capacity, expiratory reserve volume), lungs electrical conductivity gradient in health and during pathology. Changes of the lungs electrical conductivity at inhalation as well as at exhalation, dependence of electrical conductivity on respiratory rate were shown. The indexes of electrical conductivity, which correspond to standard lung volumes in health as well as at pathology, were calculated. The article is illustrated with electroimpedance tomograms and tables...
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