ONKOCET Ltd. has exhibited the devices from its portfolio on the MEDTEC UK exhibition in Birmingham, April 2011 through our partner Medical & Partners.
Coagulation is achieved by bringing the high-temperature air-plasma flow (HPF) directly to the wound surface. The temperature of flow in the region of contact must be not less than 2000°C, therefore, distance from the outlet of manipulator-coagulator to the region of action must be not more than 25 mm.
At the first moment of time (Fig. a) during bringing of energy HPF with the temperature more than 2000°C to the biological tissue its heating to the boiling point of woven liquid occurs.
Compact layer of necrosis (CLN), which consists of the degradation products of protein connections is formed, partially damaged and nonviable, but preserved their structure cells (55°C), and the zone of paranecrosis - zone of the partially reversible changes in the cells. Subsequently the zone of paranecrosis becomes the source of regeneration.
Further increase in the time of action (Fig. b) leads to strengthening of the process of boiling and evaporating the woven liquid. The spongy layer of necrosis (SLN) is formed - the porous, elastic and airtight structure, which consists of the dehydrated protein and fatty connections.
Clearly expressed physical boundary of the evaporation of liquid appears in the cloth, which divides the spongy (SLN) and compact (CLN) layers of necrosis (100°C). Upper temperature boundary of the spongy layer of necrosis coincides with the temperature of the beginning of the thermal decomposition of protein and fatty compounds into the simplest chemical elements (550°C, Fig. c).
Above [SLN] is formed the carbonized (carbon) layer of necrosis (CaLN), which is the burnt and charred cloth. Qualitative hem-aero-lymph-cholestasis is determined by the positive dynamics of shaping of the compact and spongy layers of necrosis or by the low rate of shaping of the carbon layer of necrosis.
The thermo-physical and geometric parameters of the plasma flow of coagulator are optimized so that reliable hem-aero-lymph-cholestasis is reached on any biological cloths and at any speeds of counter blood flow. The significant (about 200 m/s) discharge velocity of hot gas from the outlet of coagulator creates condition on the surface of the coagulated section of the cloth, with which coagulation layers are formed directly from cloth itself, but not of the counter-flows of the liquid, for example, of the blood or lymph entering.
A change in the time of action and distance from the outlet of coagulator to the region of coagulation is the universal method of the dosage of the energy necessary for the coagulation. For obtaining the reliable coagulation the distance from the outlet of manipulator lies within the limits from 2 to 25 mm.